True to the vision of Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey and the will of God, we aim at inculcating a sound Christian and human formation, for the total development of the whole person, making the student a well integrated person, spiritually inspired, socially committed, intellectually enlightened, morally upright, culturally well equipped and ready to collaborate with others to be agents of social transformation andleaders of integrity. Consequently, the Cluny student will be formed, according to the ideals proposed below.

Vision and Mission

  • To liberate and empower youth who think differently, act differently amidst challenges, led by the light of Anne Marie Javouhey’s Charism, her dynamic faith, her steadfast hope and her boundless love. Their presence is a ‘wakeup call’ to the family and the country. In all their endeavors they believe in the motivating dictum, “The task ahead of you is never as great as the power within you.”


  • A woman of strong faith in God, with a deep relationship with God in prayer which enables her to seek, find, accept and accomplish God’s will in all aspects of her life.
  • Convinced of the common fatherhood of God and bond of fellowship among human beings, she will learn to accept her own uniqueness and that of others as persons and she will have a special concern for the less privileged and marginalized in society.
  • One who is aware of social unjust realities by study and exposure through proper leadership skills (see, judge, act), she is trained to reflect on and analyse these unjust social realities. Realising that these unjust realities are against the Will of God and the dignity of human persons, she becomes motivated to act as an agent of social change, a liberator from social evils now, and more so as an adult member of the society.
  • One who has learnt to strive for academic excellence, using all the available means in the school, in a spirit of acquiring and applying knowledge and of collaboration rather than competition; skills to evaluate and criticise objectively and constructively and have the capacity and concern to continue her own formation.
  • One who is prepared for family life and responsible parenthood and has respect for life and defends it.
  • One who has imbibed the human and therefore Christian values of simplicity, dignity of labour, forgiveness, tolerance, generosity and committed uncompromisingly to these values.
  • Patriotic, respecting the different cultures around her, she will work for national integration and communal harmony, respecting others without distinction of caste, creed, language and economic status.

IN ADDITION : The Catholic student will receive a Catholic formation, (Doctrinal,Scriptural, Spiritual and Liturgical). She will be prepared through leadership training, to become a committed Catholic leader.