

The club aims at inculcating moral values and developing personality of the children. Various competitions like quiz, elocutions and story telling are conducted on topics with moral values and on the life of inspiring people. Think and Thank sessions are conducted, leading the children in prayer and reflection , to thank God for all the blessings.

Cultural Heritage Club

The aim of the club is to create awareness and promote our culture and varied. We conduct various activities for students that enable them to appreciate the traditions, culture and religious diversity of our country. elocutions, culinary activities and progamme link pongal, diwali and christmas that are close to the indian culture or contacted

Maths & Computer club

The math and computer club aims at making math interesting. In this club children learn mathematics and the main aim is to sharpen their mental aptitude using activities like puzzles and quiz, making math fun and enjoyable. Children are also trained to make PowerPoint presentations and are sent for competitions.

Eco cluny Club

The club is a huge cauldron of environmental activities. We impart environmental sensitivity and creating awareness about the importance of “going green” in order to foster a safe and healthier environment.

literary club

The aim of this club is to create an interest among children for reading and writing. Today’s generation is into the E-resources and reading out of a book has diminished. In order to battle this phenomenon, various activities like debates, group discussion, elocution and reading time are conducted throughout the year. Each class has a reading conrer for children to impore their language

sports club

Children are engaged in various sports activities like Athletics, Throw ball, Volley ball and Basket Ball which improve their social skills. Children also play indoor games like Chess, Carom, Table Tennis and Badminton which help improve accuracy and concentration. It prepares them to keep their body fit and encounter their opponent valiantly.

Fine Arts Club

The fine arts club comprises of three activities Music, Art and Dance. Children are engaged in activities like Singing, Dancing, Drawing, Painting, Needle work and making Craft out of waste materials. Children are sent for various competitions representing the school throughout the year. Various instruments like Recorder, Violin, Guitar, Drums, Piano and Keyboard are also taught. Children are also part of the School Band which comprises of Trumpets, Saxophone, Euphoniums, Bass drum, Cymbals, Side drums, Maracas and Melodicas.

Field trips & excursions